
Tonight kicked off something special. For the students, for myself, for the Kingdom, but also for the people we have yet to reach with the Good News. Why is it special? Because He has such big plans for these young ladies, (and YOU too if you’re reading this) and He is going to use these weeks of pouring over His word to strengthen them so that they can be the ambassadors Paul speaks of in 2 Cor. 5:20-21. The world will be a better place because Christ is alive and growing inside everyone of us….I dont know about you, but that makes my heart do backflips!!!!

As we discussed the awesome responsibility of being an ambassador for Christ tonight, it occurred to me the enormity of the task, and how our God really doesn’t need our help…but instead, allows us to go out and show Jesus to others. To think that we have a hand in the eternal security of another soul is more than my mind can wrap around at the moment…so I pose the question…is it an easy job?

When first thinking about it, the natural tendency would be to say no. Its not easy to be Jesus to others in our jobs, at our homes, and in our schools. It isn’t easy to do the right think and make the right choices. It isn’t easy to put other people and their needs before our own. No, being an ambassador isn’t easy. But tell me something worthwhile that is? In the words of Tom Hanks from A League of Their Own, “the hard is what makes it good”.

Really, the simplicity of the task isn’t what we need to be focused on, and I bring it up simply to show the magnitude of what God has called us to do….the focus should be on doing it. Being an ambassador can take on many forms and look like many things….to those called to serve, they serve, to those called to teach, they teach, to those called to sing, they sing, and so on….

So my challenge to my girls and to you is this: how can you be a better ambassador this week? How can you better share Christ with the lost? What can you do to deepen your walk? What are some better choices you can make for the furtherance of the Kingdom?

Being an ambassador….its huge. Its commanded. Its hard. Its uncomfortable. Its demanding….and its the way God has chosen to bring a dark and dying world to Himself….and thats really a beautiful thing.

Serving with you, tdm

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