One Tree Hill

Ever feel like you’re the only one standing for something?  I do.  A lot.  And this week, I think I finally had enough.

Yesterday, I told my principal that I wouldn’t be back next year.  I will finish out the school year, and next year, be at a different school….I have no idea what school that will be or if it will even be in the same district.  Some reading this will not understand why I did it…especially with having no back-up plan.  Maybe that is exactly why God wanted me to do it yesterday…because I have no idea what I am going to do or where I will be working, and that’s what He wants.  He needs me to depend on Him and be content in knowing that He knows, even though I do not.

Maybe you are asking why I quit a seemingly good job on a campus with kids that I dearly love….its got absolutely nothing to do with the kids, I can tell you that.  The easy explanation is simply this:  it was time.

So with that being said, I will pray that the next campus I am on has Christians that I can connect with…maybe even a Christian leader; wouldn’t that be awesome.  I pray the next place is one that I can make a difference for the kingdom in every class period.  I pray that God is already getting the kids and teachers ready for me.  And I pray that I work for and with people of integrity.  I know God has me in the palm of His hand, and He has promised not to let me go.  To say I am not scared would be a lie…jobs aren’t exactly easy to come by….but I know that I did the right thing.

Thanks for reading.  Some prayer would be nice if you think of me.  Pray that whatever I was meant to do will be completed by June, that people know who and what I stood for by the time I leave, and that God gets all the glory for it.  I’ll keep you posted on what He does 🙂

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